
hank you for your interest in volunteering for Military Appreciation Day! Our events are conducted exclusively by volunteers who wish to show their appreciation to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces and their families. Your assistance in spreading this message of “Thanks” is greatly appreciated!
Do what you can to help us Thank Those Who Serve America!


Many people are working diligently in preparation and there are lots of things you can do to help in that respect. The need for donations lasts year round. And so too, does the need to get the word out. We can’t take troops fishing without the troops knowing about it. And troops can’t go fishing on boats owned by captains who don’t know about it.

If you have a particular MAD Chapter in mind for support, please, contact the Chapter presidents. The contact information for each is available at the MAD Rep Contact Page. If you’re not sure what you can do to support MAD, the Chapter presidents are.

Or visit the Committees Description Page to see what each group does to make a successful MAD event.
There is always something anyone can do to help MAD say