Archive for June 2019

Announcing Changes in MAD Management

After four years serving on the MAD Board of Directors, Donna McDowell has announced her retirement and is stepping down from the board. Donna will remain an active volunteer and supporter of MAD.

It is with great pleasure that we announce that Jeff Schmucker of Newport, NC has accepted a second term on the MAD Board Of Directors! Jeff will also continue his role as Head of Fund Raising.

Rich Anderson retired as COO of MAD Inc. After over a decade of service to MAD he’s due a vacation. Fortunately, Hank Pomeranz (current president of the MAD Southport NC Chapter) has accepted the responsibility of keeping the financials of MAD in order as the new COO.

Please join me in welcoming Jeff and Hank in their increased roles with MAD while we thank Donna and Rich for their immeasurable contributions.

Danny McKeel
Board Of Directors Military Appreciation Day Inc.