Chapter President, Debra Wade.
Vice President, Lisa Dunn
Treasurer, Shelby King
Secretary, Anna Poyner
Volunteer Coordinator, Lisa Carroll
Boat Coordinator, Brian Daniel
2022 IS ON FIRE!!!!!! WE ARE BACK IN THANK YOU MODE! We never for once lost our gratitude, but we sure can show it again this year!
Our event will be held at Cobb’s Marina, located at 4524 Dunning Road, Norfolk, Virginia 23518 and we are so excited! Mark your calendars for July 30, 2022! Our onshore event for families and friends of active duty troops who are out fishing is sure to be a wonderful time, we want to thank family and friends for their undying support of our Military by offering a great time. Blackwater BBQ will be onboard at Cobb’s Marina and when troops come in from fishing, they will also enjoy a great meal! Entertainment, games and great music will be on tap, let’s have fun! This is how we thank everyone who supports our Active Duty Military.
Welcome to MAD Tidewater. Our chapter was founded in 2012 by Bob Gohsler, an active duty Marine who’d attended a MAD function in North Carolina and thought “Why can’t we do this for the troops in Virginia?”. After posting his idea on Tidalfish, he went to work gathering support, team members and sponsors. In our 1st event held on August 17th 2013 the chapter hosted 21 military personnel for a day of fishing and fun.
In the second event held on August 23rd 2014 we more than doubled in size, hosting 53 military attendees and their families.
Since that time we’ve grown each year and given the fact that the Tidewater of Virginia contains one of the largest concentrations of active duty troops in the world we fully expect that trend to continue at our 7th event which will be held on Saturday August 24th, 2019. For the 2nd consecutive year our event will be held at Cobb’s Marina (Since 1958) located at 4524 Dunning Road in Norfolk, Virginia 23518 . Our goal is to provide active duty troops a day of fishing, food and family fun. Registration for troops will begin on July 1st. Registration Forms for General Volunteers and Boat Captains will open on May 1st.

Our 5th event, MAD 2017 Tidewater was held August 26th.
Visit the MAD Albums for more photos.
The motto of Military Appreciation Day is ONE.SIMPLE.THANKS! The goal of the MAD Tidewater chapter will be to do all we can to promote that concept using this annual event to show and share our appreciation for the great men and women of our Armed Forces. May God bless and protect them, wherever they serve.
MAD Tidewater would like to recognize our sponsors, without whom this event would not be possible. These businesses and individuals recognize and appreciate the sacrifices of our troops and their families and they prove it by providing funds and/or services to insure our event is a success.
Key Self Storage, Hampton VA
D.J. Major Dave