Did You Know ? (Misc. Facts about MAD)
- The first organizational meeting in MAD history was held on St. Patrick’s Day 2006
- MAD has held 20 events in three states
- North Carolina has seen MAD events held in four different locations
- There have been 4571 guests that registered for MAD events
- 1882 boats have participated in MAD events
- MAD is incorporated in the State of North Carolina
- MAD is a 501 c 3 charitable organization
- MAD has no paid staff, everyone is a volunteer
- The first MAD event in Atlantic Beach was the only one that had a politician allowed as a guest speaker
- The hickory wood used for the cooking at the first MAD event was delivered from Charlotte, NC
- MAD 2 was the only event that MAD paid for catering
- MAD 9 MHC had the largest number of boats participate with 119
- The biggest event in Southport had 60 volunteer provided boats
- There have been 504 volunteers registered for MAD events
- Donations to MAD have come in from as far away as Oregon
- 2014 will mark the first time that MAD hosts events in three different states during the same year
- MAD was incorporated in 2007
- Keith Warren’s Outdoors Adventures filmed an episode at MAD 2
- The first billfish in MAD history was landed during MAD 2
- More Marines participate in MAD Morehead than any other branch
- Coast Guard members were prohibited by their base command from participating at MAD 3
- Delaware will be the fourth state to host a MAD event
- MAD is the third largest annual event in Morehead City behind the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament and the North Carolina Seafood Festival
- Eric Roach served on the MAD Board of Directors while he was in Afghanistan
- Eric Floyd served on the MAD Board of Directors while he was Senior Chief in the US Coast Guard
- The original plan for MAD 1 was to have a fish fry but weather concerns caused a change to a pig pickin’
- MAD 2.5 was the first event held in Morehead City
- Four locations were used at the first MAD Oak Island event
- The Moose Lodge was the site of the meal for the first MAD Oak Island Events
- A $5000 Volunteer Service Award is the largest single donation MAD has received
- A $2 cash donation is the smallest donation MAD has received
- The longest distance a volunteer has travelled to participate in a MAD event is 556 miles – one way.
- 2013 saw the first MAD event hosted in Virginia
- The fishing boat Continental Shelf has participated in every Morehead City MAD event
- The big red snapper shown on the MAD Battlewagon was caught during MAD 2.5
- There are seven award winning cooking teams in Hobo Junction
- The term “Hobo Junction” refers to the cooking crew of MAD Morehead.
- MAD did not have its own website until after MAD 1
- Fish cleaners worked non stop for a combined 18 man hours at MAD 8 Southport
- Over 1200 plates of food were served at MAD 9 Morehead City
- Fried pickles were a huge hit at MAD 8 Southport
- Mrs. Bubba is awesome!
- John Polosky is a great guy once you get to know him
- Dan Smith is a crotchety old fart that can only catch pinfish (and he drinks Busch Lite)
- Charter boats for MAD 10 Morehead City were booked before MAD 9 was completed
- Guests at MAD events have paid $0 over 20 events for fishing activities
- MAD volunteers are the greatest volunteers!
- Volunteering for MAD is clinically proven to help you lose weight and cause your hair to start growing back
- MAD Morehead City always occurs the weekend between Memorial Day and the Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament
- You don’t have to be a licensed Captain to volunteer to take guests out fishing
- Guests fishing licenses are covered under a MAD blanket fishing license waiver in NC
- Overnight boat slips are available free of charge to volunteers in NC
- Fish cleaners are twice as busy when Squid Row gets to fish a MAD event